Thursday, November 24, 2011


This blog post serves to shed a bit of light on how to use Wifi file transfer without going to your computer.


On your PlayBook you will need aVNC from AiFlex.

On your computer you will need tightVNC installed.

1. Connect your PlayBook to your pc using aVNC and tightVNC, your desktop should now be visible on the PlayBook.

2. From your PlayBook, open the my computer and enter your PlayBook's ip address into the address bar \\******** and hit return now you're connected to your tablet by wifi without going to your your computer

3. Navigate to the media folder of your choice on the tablet, open the folder on your computer that contain the files to be transferred.

4. Select file by tapping on it once and holding it down by keeping your finger on the PlayBook's screen, without lifting finger off, drag the file across to the PlayBook's media folder, you should see the copying file box comeup.

You have just copied a file from your PC to your PlayBook without going to your physical machine.
Dexter Harroo

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Check out @mapicases stylish cases for BlackBerry, iphones ipads and coming soon BlackBerry Playbook cases

Dexter Harroo